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You will find information about all dictionaries offered in our e-shop.

Please, use the left bar menu to chose the category of products you are interested of.

Before you can place your orders, you have to register in the e-shop of KoralSoft.

Please use the Registration menu located above. If you are already registered, please, identify yourself through Login.


download version

This section of our site allows you to download and use the free-of-charge versions of our dictionaries. These versions contain limited number of words and train-lists that users cannot change. Pronunciation and training methods are active only for words included in the train-lists. Paid and free-of charge versions do not influence each other if installed on the same machine.

EuroDict XP can operate only on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and later versions!

paid download version

This section of our site allows you to review and purchase PRO versions of our dictionaries for download. These versions contain full dictionaries databases. However, pronunciation and learning methods operate only in demo regime.

Downloadable dictionaries represent language database as a one way dictionary, in the form of *.KDI files, which must be installed to the EuroDict FREE version. These versions are designed for our clients outside Bulgaria and can be purchased only with a credit card. If you install both the opposite language bases, they will act as well as a two way dictionary, but you need to buy and download them separately.

EuroDict XP can operate only on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and later versions!

Instructions for purchase and installation:

Before purchasing any of our Download versions, it is necessary to have on your computer installed any of our either Free or CD versions. After installation the Download version shall generate a unique registration number for your copy. You will further need the registration number when purchasing your paid version. After completing successfully the purchase process, you shall obtain a link (via email) to download the dictionary database from Internet. Downloaded version shall function only on the computer, whose number has been entered during the purchase process.

However, when you decide to change computer or upgrade some of its parts, you DO NOT loose the right to use what you had purchased. The only step to do is to contact our company and to identify yourself as registered user and provide order information (keep it in safe place). Then you shall be able to download a new database operative for the new or upgraded computer. The process may be repeated up to five times.

After completing successfully the download process (of the file with extension .KDI), you should find the file in the directory indicated for storage and double click its icon (as normally starts any Windows application). The dictionary will be automatically installed.

Another option for installation is step-by-step through the menu Tools/Settings/Dictionaries. For more information, please read the Help file.

In order to see your computer’s registration number, open the menu Help/About.

CD version

This section of our site allows you to review and purchase our PRO dictionaries versions on a CD. These versions contain full dictionaries databases, but locked train-lists, no pronunciations of foreign words and not fully functional methods of learning.

EuroDict Pro CD have both language bases for the bi-linugual dictionaries and include the executive module, thus there is no need to download any additional software. If you previously installed any of other versions, this one will act as an upgrade.

EuroDict XP can operate only on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and later versions!

CD version

This section of our site allows you to review and purchase our dictionaries versions on CD. Talking versions contain full bi-lingual (where appropriate) dictionaries databases, pronunciations of all foreign words and fully functional methods of learning.

EuroDict Talking is an excellent tool in studying a foreign language. Methods developed by our company have proven track of efficiency in learning and are approved by international organizations in the field of language learning. These methods allow you to memorize fast and efficiently an important number of words, a key factor in learning foreign languages. Being friendly to use and having fun-oriented interface these sections are suitable for children use, too. The game Hangman is an excellent way to check your knowledge while having fun.

EuroDict XP can operate only on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and later versions!

user submitted dictionaries

This section of our site contains user submitted dictionary databases for free-of-charge use. If you wish to include your database, please contact us with e-mail on office@koralsoft.com

For additional information, please see the section "Partnership".

There are no user submitted dictionaries at this time. Check back later.

English Bulgarian Dictionary

EuroDict XP Talking

Bulgarian Talking CD

Bulgarian Talking Multilingual Dictionary

Translates and pronounciates from Bulgarian to English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek and Turkish. Includes 60,000 pronounced Bulgarian words and dictionary base equal to a printed volume of 600,000 words. Can be used to upgrade all of the available versions of EuroDict XP!
Your best tool to learn Bulgarian!